James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress."
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Our 12th Gotch Day!

Today is our 12th Gotcha Day as a family. Gotcha Day in the adoption world is the day you get your kids, and we first met the kids in Colombia and took them to the adoption hotel on April 12, 2011. They were ages 6, 8, and 10 at the time of adoption. In the past, we have always made a big deal about Gotcha Day and tried to make it special because we wanted them to know how much it meant for them to join our family. I would decorate, have a cake, special foods, and plan a special family outing. 

Even with all of the challenges, they still gave us the opportunity and gift of being mom and dad that we otherwise would not have. With all of the kids now out of the house and Angie living in another state, this was our first Gotcha Day alone. We still gave Ingrid and Juan a gift and mailed Angie hers. I had my first colonoscopy today so my afternoon was spent resting. During our trip to Colombia, another adoptive family suggested we buy gifts while we were in country to give the kids on future Gotcha Days from their country. We loved that idea so that is what we did. We have one gift left we will give them when they are all a little older and more settled in their adult lives.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Empty Nester Phase

 Although Juan still has a month until online high school graduation and West Mec graduation, we are officially "empty nesters"! Juan had planned to move out after graduation but received an opportunity to move into an apartment with a friend from the football team. He still has some belongings to come pick up but is settled in his new home. He is busy still working at his assistive living job at La Loma as a cook and recently purchased his own used car. We are proud of him for his hard work at La Loma and truly want all of our adult children to just be happy and live their best adult lives. 

Our adoption and parenting journey was not what we pictured it would be and there was so much we were unprepared for. In the end, it truly was a journey of blessings and challenges. We want to continue supporting, guiding, loving, and communicating with each of our kids but ultimately it is their life now to live. We went into adoption saying we wanted to provide a forever family to a sibling group and to give them a better life than they currently had. We hope as everyone matures, our relationship with each one will continue and grow.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Our 25th Wedding Anniversary!

It is hard to believe we are celebrating 25 years of marriage! We have journeyed through so many challenges together. I am incredibly thankful for the relationship we share, the good times we have together, and our ability to weather the storms hand in hand. This journey has definitely been filled with blessings and challenges but look forward to many more years together. We spent our time away at the beach in California, Disneyland, the Pima air Museum, and a Toby Mac concert in Tucson

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Christian Literary Awards

 I had the amazing opportunity to share my book on a radio show with Joy and Co. on Fishbowl Radio Network when I was in Dallas in July for my speaker conference. Part of the radio show include a book contest. My book was nominated this spring in 4 categories and I decided to travel to Dallas with my dad for the award's ceremony. I am so thankful I did, and it was an amazing opportunity. I was so honored my book was nominated and felt like it went along with my message of persevering through your challenges and finding success in your "new normal" Although I have had the opportunity to share my story on podcasts, I feel sometimes people don't get the full picture behind the screen. My book won in 2 categories and I had the opportunity to share my message twice and was so grateful for the opportunity. It won the 2023 Reader's Choice Award in the Christian Living Day by Day category and Testimonial category. I met some amazing people and so thankful for the opportunity!

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Lori's Writing and Speaking Journey

 It is hard to believe my book has now reached its one year mark and celebrating its book birthday! I have learned so much on this journey in such a short amount of time both from my own experience and those God has connected me with. I am so grateful for all of the opportunities I have had to share my story on different podcasts this year (you can view on my website under the Speaking tab), book signing events, stroke survivor groups I have had the opportunity to speak to, 2 virtual conferences, and so many amazing opportunities at the Cancer Treatment Center of America. I am very excited about the journey I am on to use my experience to help others and look forward to seeing what comes next.

I put together a you tube video for my book birthday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX4TQiwK4so&t=5s