James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress."
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Monday, December 28, 2020

Christmas Is Here!

Christmas is here but it is a very different year with COVID and no Angie, Sandra, or Luis. We did our traditional Chinese dinner with Grandma and Grandpa but thru take-out and no church. We did our traditional pajamas and spend the night in our room. This year's movie was "Goonies". Everyone enjoyed Christmas. We did not go on any trips this year after Christmas and just enjoyed being home. Ingrid now works as a server at an assistive living home.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Juan played football at Canyon View, even though the kids were schooling in remote. Attendance at games was limited in some places but at least it got him out of the house and getting some exercise!

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Time For School

Time for school to start but it has been very confusing with COVID. First the kids are remote and then they go back to school and then they are remote again! Ingrid is in her junior year at Desert Edge and Juan is in his sophomore year at Canyon View.

Ingrid was accepted into the hairstyling program at West MEC and is so excited. I think she is more excited about the program than Angie was. They will start out remote but hopefully will go back at some point in person. Although I worry about her safety, it is a difficult program to do remote. I am just sad that Angie is not here to share this with Ingrid. She would be busy at West MEC in her second year had she stayed!

Monday, July 27, 2020

Juan's 16th Birthday

Juan didn't want to have a party this year so we just had Grandma and Grandpa over to open presents. Juan and Ingrid both took a friend on the Pinetop trip. 

Juan did not do well at all with the remote environment and didn't turn in a final project to get credit for one of his classes. He finally realized like Ingrid that he needed help, and we were able to get him tested with a psychiatrist and uncovered some challenges we didn't know were there. Daily life can be a challenge, but we have learned a lot and medicine is helping!

Friday, July 10, 2020

Ingrid's 18th Birthday

Ingrid had a great 18th birthday! She had a few friends over for a pool party, and we took a family trip to Pinetop. It was great to get away, and we enjoyed some cooler weather and hiking. Ingrid also got her driver's license, which was a huge accomplishment! We ask the kids to have a job in order to pay half of their car insurance before they get their license. She got a job doing the wash at a massage place. She earned enough money to pay for her first used car and start paying her insurance. She is the proud owner of an orange Volkswagen 2003 Bug.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Parenting Is Not Easy!

Angie has graduated high school, finished her first year of technical school for hairstyling, has a car to drive, a home, a job at Starbucks, and a loving family. However, she wants to be an independent adult and not live by our rules. She does not have the funds to live on her own yet though so rather than working hard towards that goal, she chose to run away. The plan when she came back was to welcome her back if she wanted to live by our family rules. We had cleaned her room while she was gone. Instead of talking, she left again and ended up flying to WI. She lasted 2 weeks there when she met a guy on social media in OH. She left WI in the middle of the night and is now living as an adult in OH. 

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Angie's Graduation

 Angie graduated from Primavera, and I think we are both glad she is done! It was a lot of work and I don't think Angie fully appreciates all of my efforts and realizes what a gift I have given her by helping her graduate. At least she has a high school diploma!

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Our 9th Gotcha Day

 It has been nine years since we first met the kids and we have some of the same traditions for Gotcha Day every year. Red, Yellow, and Blue juice. Red, Yellow, and Blue jello. Cake, presents, and an updated photo book. With COVID, we stayed home this year.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Easter Is Here!

It has been a tough year so far schooling with Angie. Mom does a lot of the work! The end is in sight and the ultimate goal is to finish as soon as we can and get her a high school diploma. If it wasn't for the West MEC program, I would probably have her go get her GED and a job but I am trying to help her stay in the hair styling program as a high school student.

Meanwhile, the COVID Pandemic is getting worse and Ingrid and Juan are now schooling from home. It is quite stressful and emotions are quite high. Ingrid and Juan do not school well in this environment. Juan needs the accountability face to face and Ingrid needs the face to face assistance. The fact that Ingrid is now on medicine for her anxiety and other medical challenges has helped some but she is not interested in pursuing counseling.

I continued the traditional Easter baskets but we are attending church online now. It is a different way of life right now!